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Be Complete Course

Here you can find all the information about the course that could change your story, leave your email if you want more information.

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Course information


- It will start in the first week of January 2024, on the first Saturday, the 6th, after that, classes will be weekly, every Saturday starting at 3pm and ending at 6pm

Who can participate:

- Any and all female/female people, over the age of 18, capable, residing in any location in Brazil, with available resources (smartphone, computer, internet or data package) to be able to participate in online classes synchronous sessions (will not be recorded) and receive material that will be made available in PDF.

- People aged 16 and 17 will also be able to participate, but with the approval of their parents and guardians, with the presentation of documents.

Payment method and CERTIFICATE

- The courseit will cost you an investment of R$ 3.33 per day only, that is, R$ 100.00 per month, to take +50 classes lasting 3 hours with a lot of theoretical material, available in PDF, in addition to the experience of finding There are many who, like you, want to overcome conflicts and BE FULL.

-Payment grants the right to participate in the current month's classes, that is, you will agree how you will pay, monthly by PIX, in installments on the card or by monthly payment slip.

- The CERTIFICATE will be sent after completion of 1 year of uninterrupted course, 12 months. During this year of completion, students must have completed the assessments of the 12 Modules that form an integral part of the course, with a minimum pass rate of 60%. Students who are unable to pass 60% in the first assessment will have to take a new assessment, if it is still not possible, will be pending for that Module and you can choose: take an extra month of classes, where you will have to pay the amount of R$ 100.00; or wait for the pending Module and take classes in the next class.

How to enroll

- After paying at least the 1st monthly fee, you will already be enrolled and your place will be guaranteed. For example, if you register/enroll in December, you will pay the first registration fee in December, to make your registration valid and you will start classes in January, but you will only start making payments again from February onwards.

- When will registration/registration be released? They are now available and spaces are limited.

Course content

MODULE 1 - History and Fundamental Concepts
MODULE 2 - Theory and Clinical Concepts in Freud - 1
MODULE 3 - Libido, Drives and Sexuality
MODULE 4 - Psychoanalytic Method
MODULE 5 - Topic in Sexuality
MODULE 6 - Psychopathologies 1
MODULE 7 - Psychopathologies 2
MODULE 8 - Dreams and representation
MODULE 9 - Practices and Procedures in Psychoanalytic Clinic
MODULE 10 - Advanced Topics in Psychoanalytic Clinic
MODULE 11 - Resistance and Transfer
MODULE 12 -  Training and Ethics


Purpose of the course

-To provide the student with the possibility of knowing their psychology, their disorders, anxieties and finding the possible causes, thereby providing tools so that the student can balance their emotions and their psychology.

-To provide the student with conditions to understand social interactions, which can facilitate their own relationships and help the people in their social circle.

-Providing that the person can "authorize" themselves as a psychoanalyst, by observing all the ethics that regulate Psychoanalysis, which includes the psychoanalytic tripod (which are content taught in the course).

Responsible for the SER PLENA course

-The responsible clinic:

Fantasy name

Psi Rosemary Gomes

Corporate reason:

Rosemary N P Gomes Ltda

CNPJ 49.925.877/0001-82

Rua Bom Pastor, 367, Centro, Congonhal - MG

-The psychoanalyst who will teach:

Rosemary Nunes Pereira Gomes

Psi Serva Rosemary Gomes

With training in:

Clinical Psychoanalysis

IBPC (Brazilian Institute of Clinical Psychoanalysis)

Free course

Introduction to Lacan

IBPC (Brazilian Institute of Clinical Psychoanalysis)

Free course

Specialization in:

-Combats anxiety disorders, depression, phobia, panic and suicidal ideation 

-Therapy with women

- Clinical management for online care

- Brief psychoanalytic psychotherapy


-Bachelor's degree in Psychoanalysis


-Bachelor's degree in Theology



Access the button, go to the registration page and click on SCHEDULE NOW on the SER PLENA course button

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